- Your Info
Your Name: Ashley Norman Email: ashleynorman3@gmail.com Date: 1/25/09
Book Title : Digital Storytelling in the Classroom Author: Jason Ohler
- Overveiw
Both story tellers and listeners have responsibilities. An effective story teller is direct and to the point, they keep their listeners interested and engaged. Listeners are responsible for giving their attention to the speaker. A well rounded story has character development, a central challenge, and a resolution.
Using story maps in class can help students articulate the essential elements of a story. Story mapping gives students the opportunity to outline their thought to form a successful and interesting story. Stories are forgettable without a conflict or some kind of tension. People do not generally remember ordinary things. An effective story must raise a question or a problem. It must also be relatable and something the audience will understand. There are many ways to tell a story, teaching general guidelines in the classroom can help students develop effective story telling skills.
- Bulleted Reverence Points:
-”Tellers trust that they will receive the attention of the listeners and not be distracted during their delivery. In return, listeners trust that the speaker will honor their time and attention by telling a story that is interesting and engaging and that creates and resolves a state of expectation.”
-”The central challenge that creates the story’s tension and forward momentum.”
-”The Character transformation that facilitates the response to the challenge.”
-”The response to and resolution of the challenge that resolves the tension and leads
to story closure.”
-”Having students recognize how the story core is used in various forms of media can be an effective beginning point for the study of media.”
-”By the time the story map is complete, the basic emotional flow, as well as the overarching action of the story, is complete.”
-“It’s important to note that William’s experience resonates with us because we can imagine similar situations in our own lives.”
-“don’t be afraid of students who know more than you do. In fact, deputize them and integrate their skills into your classroom.”
-“We forget lectures, but we remember stories”
- Reflection:
I think using story mapping in the classroom could be very valuable. It is good to draw out a general outline of a story before attempting to put it in words. Within PE I do not have my students develop stories, but I do have them develop games. I think I could modify the story map to help students plan out their games more effectively. I also like the idea of having them develop digital stories. They could put together a short clip that explains the rules and purpose of their game. This project would take a lot of equipment and preparation, but I think it would be really beneficial to the students.
I agree that people remember stories better than lectures. If you can put information into a story format people are more likely to relate to it and remember it later. I have noticed that my students really pay attention to videos and pictures. I think using digital stories in the classroom is a wonderful idea.